Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hump Day Hill Repeats

Happy Wednesday!! Yeah, well maybe not. My friend Mika and I had this great idea to meet at 1pm today at Umstead Park to run some hill repeats. This evil seed was originally planted in our head by our friend Jim, (damn enabler!) who was running some repeats in the morning. Mika could not do the morning, so we let Jim do his thing and agreed to meet in the afternoon. Mika's text to me the night before was classic: "This is going to suck!"

Fueling up with some Generation UCAN before the Hills!

The run from the parking lot to the bottom of our hill was about a mile, which was perfect for a warm up. We got down to the bottom, right before the bridge at the lake. Let the fun begin! Here is video of the first repeat. The total length of the hill was about a half mile.

We wound up doing a total of four repeats, and with warm up and cool down we got in a little over 5 miles. Here are the stats: 
  It was a tough workout, but we survived!  


  1. I'm a true geek. Your hill is 948 yards long (0.539 miles), and 124 ft high, so it's a 4.36% hill. Glad I planted the seed!

  2. Thanks for the breakdown Jim! Not sure who the bigger geek is, you, the numbers guys or me, the guy wearing a GoPro for hill repeats!

  3. Great workout! Where did you get that nice image from Garmin Connect?

    1. Coco, In the "share" drop down button on Garmin connect, there is an option to"embed" the workout on a website or blog. You just copy the code then paste it to the blog post!

  4. Great workout! Where did you get that nice image from Garmin Connect?
